1st ICFEM Workshop on Default Privacy

6-7 November 2014
Hotel Melia, Kirchberg, Luxembourg


Creating systems that ensure users remain by default private has proven to be a challenge. Users may be able to rescind their privacy (eg. vote selling or other forms of user coercion), data aggregation reveals hitherto hidden aspects of users (eg. location data revealing where users live/work), tools to ensure privacy (eg. Tor, PGP) are difficult to use correctly, etc.

This workshop focuses on the challenges surrounding privacy by default in all its aspects:



Thursday 6 November

12.30 — 13.45 Lunch
14.00 — 14.45Privacy in Android (provisional title)
Alexandre Bartel, CASED & Technische Universität Darmstadt
14.45 — 15.30On the privacy issues in recommender systems
Qiang Tang, UL
15.30 — 15.45Coffee break
15.45 — 16.30Deanonymisation of Clients in Bitcoin P2P Network
Dmitry Khovratovich, UL
16.30 — 17.15Demarcating Privacy
Sasa Radomirovic, ETH Zurich
Evening Workshop dinner

Friday 7 November

  9.30 — 10.15 Formal Analysis of Electronic Exams
Jannik Dreier, ETH Zurich
10.15 — 11.00 E-Voting: Privacy and Other Central Security Requirements
Ralf Kuesters, Universität Trier
11.00 — 11.45 Quantifying Monitoring and Privacy Protection Measures for BitTorrent
Tom Chothia, University of Birmingham
11.45 — 12.30 Preserving Privacy in a Connected World
Hugo Jonker
12.30 — 13.45 Lunch



Hotel Melia
10, Park Drai Eechelen
Kirchberg, Luxembourg

Bus stop "Philharmonie", buses (amongst others): 1, 16, 125, 144, 192, 194.


For more information, please contact Hugo Jonker.