
Peer-reviewed publications

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  • 2019:
    1. Characterizing Bitcoin donations to open source software on GitHub. Y. Zhauniarovich, Y. Boshmaf, H. Jawaheri and M. Sabah. arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.04002, 2019. bib ]
    2. BlockTag: design and applications of a tagging system for blockchain analysis. Y. Boshmaf, H. Al Jawaheri and M. Al Sabah. In IFIP International Conference on ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection. pp. 299–313, 2019. bib ]
  • 2018:
    1. When A small leak sinks A great ship: Deanonymizing tor hidden service users through bitcoin transactions analysis. H. Jawaheri, M. Sabah, Y. Boshmaf and A. Erbad. arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.07501, 2018. bib ]