


ACVTool is a novel tool for measuring black-box code coverage of Android applications.

Peer-reviewed publications

Generated using php-bibHTML by Hugo Jonker, based on the BiblioPhile PHP BibTex parser.

  • 2018:
    1. POSTER: The Influence of Code Coverage Metrics on Automated Testing Efficiency in Android. S. Dashevskyi, O. Gadyatskaya, A. Pilgun and Y. Zhauniarovich. In Proceedings of the 2018 ACM SIGSAC CCS. 2018. bib ]
    2. DEMO: An Effective Android Code Coverage Tool. A. Pilgun, O. Gadyatskaya, S. Dashevskyi, Y. Zhauniarovich and A. Kushniarou. In Proceedings of the 2018 ACM SIGSAC CCS. 2018. bib ]