
Peer-reviewed publications

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  • 2023:
    1. On the Optimal Resistance against Mafia and Distance Fraud in Distance-Bounding Protocols. R. Gil-Pons, S. Mauw and R. Trujillo-Rasua. Computer Communications, 210:69–78, 2023. bib ]
    2. Finding (s, d)-Hypernetworks in F-hypergraphs Is NP-hard. R. Gil-Pons, M. Ward and L. Miller. Information Processing Letters, 2023. bib ]
  • 2022:
    1. Is Eve Nearby? Analysing Protocols under the Distant-Attacker Assumption. R. Gil Pons, R. Horne, S. Mauw, R. Trujillo-Rasua and A. Tiu. In IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium. 2022. bib | DOI ]
  • 2019:
    1. Distance-based vertex identification in graphs: the outer multiset dimension. R. Gil-Pons, Y. Ramírez-Cruz, R. Trujillo-Rasua and I.G. Yero. In Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2019. bib | DOI ]
  • 2018:
    1. Space Efficient Incremental Betweenness Algorithm for Directed Graphs. R. Gil-Pons. In Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition. 2018. bib | DOI ]