Short CV


Last updated: 11/12/08

Full CV available upon request.

Present position

Sjouke Mauw (1961) is full professor in "Security and Trust of Software Systems" at the University of Luxembourg in the Computer Science and Communications Research Unit. Until 1/1/07 he was associate professor (UHD) in computer science at the Eindhoven University of Technology, with a part time secondment as senior researcher at CWI (Center of Mathematics and Computer Science) in Amsterdam. He received his master's degree in Mathematics (1985) and his PhD degree in Computer Science (1991) from the University of Amsterdam. He graduated on the Ph.D. thesis PSF - A process specification formalism under the supervision of prof.dr. J.A. Bergstra and dr. J.C.M. Baeten.


His research focuses on the application of formal methods in the area of information security. Keywords: security protocols, security assessment, privacy, attack trees, DRM, RFID, Trust. Sjouke Mauw has performed research in other areas, such as visual specification languages, concurrency theory, algebraic specification, term rewriting, domain specific languages, testing, distributed algorithms, internet applications. He was member of many scientific committees and organized a number of workshops.

Project experience

Sjouke Mauw has been involved in European projects since 1986 (Esprit: Meteor, Concur, Concur2). He was proposer, supervisor, and project member of several projects funded by Dutch government and industrial partners ( NWO, STW, Philips, KPN, ABN-AMRO, IPA, Telematics Institute). He was associate rapporteur for study group 10/Q9 of the ITU (International Telecommunication Union), where he supervised the standardization of the semantics of the MSC language.


Sjouke Mauw has taught a wide range of computer science courses, such as: software engineering, automata theory, programming, programming languages, algebraic specification, term rewriting, specification languages, computer security, verification of security protocols. He has supervised many MSc. and several PhD. students. He was co-ordinator of the master program on Information Security Technology and was manager director of the post-graduate design program OOTI.


Sjouke Mauw has over 50 refereed publications. A complete list of publications is online available.

Former and current PhD students