I was a Ph.D. student at
Université du Luxembourg, within the
Security and Trust of Software Systems (SaToSS) research group, headed by
Prof. Dr. Sjouke Mauw. My thesis advisor was
Dr. Saša Radomirović. I successfully defended my Ph.D. thesis entitled "Security of RFID Protocols" on September 27, 2011.
Research Interests
I have assisted or taught guest lectures in the following courses:
The following students have successfully completed their Master's thesis under my co-supervision:
- Xihui Chen: Improving automatic verification of security protocols with XOR
- Davy Cox: Secure electronic meal vouchers in an NFC environment
- Gerardo Iglesias: Security analysis of an RFID-based fare collection system
- Pim Vullers: Secure ownership and ownership transfer in RFID systems
- Cheng Xing: Relay attacks on NFC devices
Financial Support
The present project was supported by the National Research Fund,