T. van Deursen, S. Mauw, and S. Radomirović.
mCarve: Carving attributed dump sets.
In USENIX Security Symposium, pages 107-121. USENIX
Association, 2011.
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T. van Deursen and S. Radomirović.
Insider attacks and privacy of RFID protocols.
In EuroPKI, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, 2011.
To appear.
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T. van Deursen.
50 ways to break RFID privacy.
In Privacy and Identity 2010, volume 352 of IFIP AICT,
pages 192-205. Springer, 2011.
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T. van Deursen and S. Radomirović.
EC-RAC: Enriching a capacious RFID attack collection.
In 6th Workshop on RFID Security (RFIDSec 2010), volume 6370 of
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 75-90. Springer, 2010.
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T. van Deursen, S. Mauw, S. Radomirović, and P. Vullers.
Secure ownership and ownership transfer in RFID systems.
In Proc. 14th European Symposium On Research In Computer
Security (ESORICS'09), volume 5789 of Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, pages 637-654. Springer, 2009.
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T. van Deursen and S. Radomirović.
Algebraic attacks on RFID protocols.
In Information Security Theory and Practices. Smart Devices,
Pervasive Systems, and Ubiquitous Networks (WISTP'09), volume 5746 of
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, 2009.
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X. Chen, T. van Deursen, and J. Pang.
Improving automatic verification of security protocols with XOR.
In Proc. International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods
(ICFEM'09), volume 5885 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages
107-126. Springer, 2009.
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T. van Deursen and S. Radomirović.
Security of RFID protocols - A case study.
In Proc. 4th International Workshop on Security and Trust
Management (STM'08), volume 244 of ENTCS, pages 41-52. Elsevier,
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T. van Deursen and S. Radomirović.
Security of an RFID protocol for supply chains.
In Proc. 1st Workshop on Advances in RFID (AIR'08), pages
568-573. IEEE Computer Society, 2008.
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T. van Deursen, P. Koster, and M. Petković.
Reliable personal health records.
In eHealth Beyond the Horizon - Get IT There - Proceedings
of MIE2008 - The XXIst International Congress on the European Federation
for Medical Informatics, volume 136 of Studies in Health Technology and
Informatics, pages 484-489. IOS Press, 2008.
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T. van Deursen, S. Mauw, and S. Radomirović.
Untraceability of RFID protocols.
In Information Security Theory and Practices. Smart Devices,
Convergence and Next Generation Networks (WISTP'08), volume 5019 of
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 1-15. Springer, 2008.
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T. van Deursen, P. Koster, and M. Petković.
Hedaquin: A reputation-based health data quality indicator.
In Proc. 3rd International Workshop on Security and Trust
Management (STM'07), volume 197 of ENTCS, pages 159-167, 2008.
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