Please consult the
FSTC moodle pages for dynamic
information concerning this course.
Lectures take place from 15:45 to 17:15 on Wednesdays
(from 21/09/2011 to 14/12/2011) in room B17 on the Kirchberg campus.
- Security modeling using attack trees and attack-defense trees
- Trust models
- Provable security techniques
- Commitment schemes and zero-knowledge proofs
- Quantum cryptography, in particular quantum key distribution
- Verifiable voting schemes
After successful completion of this course the student should be able to:
- select a suitable modeling technique for a given problem
- apply a given modeling technique to a specific domain or problem
- assess the security of a given system through its modeling
- compare modeling techniques with respect to expressive power and
suitability to a given domain
- describe new trends in security modeling
- identify the limitations of modeling techniques with respect to
real-world security
Reading material
The lectures will be mainly based on recent scientific publications
corresponding to the covered topics. The references will be provided in the
lecture notes available via
FSTC moodle pages.
Homework 10 points + research presentation and written report 10 points