SRM seminar

The SRM is a joint research meeting of the SaToSS and APSIA groups supported by LACS and SnT. The SRM talks take place on Tuesdays at 10:30am in MNO-E03-25-110 on the Belval Campus unless otherwise indicated. The SRM features presentations on ongoing research in security, privacy, and trust.

If you are interested in joining the seminar's mailing list, or in giving a talk at the seminar, contact Peter Rønne or Jun Pang. The next upcoming presentation is highlighted in boldface. A Google calendar of the SRM and related seminars is available.


No. Date Presenter Title Abstracts
389 December 8, 14:30 (online) Catalin Dragan (University of Surrey) TAPESTRY: A De-centralized Service for Trusted Interaction Online Abstract
388 December 1, 16:00 (online) Erman Ayday (Case Western Reserve University) Privacy-Preserving Genomic Data Sharing Abstract
387 November 10, 14:30 (online) Vincenzo Ciancia (Institute of Science and Technology of Information, Italian National Council of Research (ISTI CNR)) VoxLogicA: A Spatial Model Checker (with applications in Medical Imaging) Abstract
386 March 5, 10:30, Belval, MSA 2.380 Thomas Haines (NTNU) Verified Verifiers for Verifiable Elections Abstract
385 March 4, 14:30, Belval, MNO 1.020 Ruba Abu-Salma (INRIA Sophia Antipolis) Users Do Not Bite: Exploring the Adoption and Use of Encrypted Communication Tools Abstract
384 February 28th, 13:30 Matteo Acclavio (Ecole Polytechnique) Logic Beyond Formulas Abstract
383 February 25th, 14:00, MNO 1.030 Dov Gabbay Argumentation-based Semantics for Attack and Defense Trees Abstract
382 February 6th, 10:30 James Wright On the Use of Queuing Networks to Test the Robustness of Security Protocols Abstract
381 February 4, 10:30, MNO 1.040 Georges-Axel Jaloyan (ENS, Paris) The ABC of Next-Gen Shellcoding Abstract
380 Rescheduled! January 31, 10:30, MNO 1.030 Sofía Celi The state of secure messaging: the case of OTRv4 Abstract
379 January 24, 11:00, JFK, Room E004 Mohamed Bourennane (Stockholm University) Quantum Secure Communication Abstract
378 January 17th, 14:00 Cheng-Te Li (National Cheng Kung University) Learning Sleep Quality from Daily Logs Abstract