SRM 2011

Information on the SRM seminar is kept here. The SRM is a joint research seminar of the SaToSS and APSIA groups and takes place Tuesdays 10:30-11:30 in E212 on the Kirchberg Campus unless otherwise indicated. It features presentations on ongoing research in security, privacy, and trust. The next upcoming presentation is highlighted in boldface. A google calendar of the SRM and related seminars is available.

Presentations given in 2011

No. Date Presenter Title
115. December 20 Hugo Jonker Mixnet verification by combining RPC and optimistic mixing
114. December 12, 4pm, Room C02 Simon Kramer A Logic of Interactive Proofs Abstract
113. December 8, 4pm, Room A02 Laurent Doyen (CNRS Cachan) Partial-Observation Stochastic Games: How to Win when Belief Fails [slides] Abstract
112. November 29 Dalia Khader Receipt Freeness of Prêt à Voter, Provably Secure Abstract
111. November 22 Andrzej Mizera (Polish Academy of Sciences) Methods for construction and analysis of computational models in systems biology [slides] Abstract
110. November 15 Naipeng Dong Enforced privacy in the presence of others: notions, definitions and relations Abstract
109. October 18 Steve Kremer (INRIA Nancy) Password Protocols, Composition and Transformation [slides] Abstract
108. October 11 Tim Muller The mathematics behind trust opinions as estimates of behaviour Abstract
107. October 4 Xihui Chen Measuring query privacy in location-based services Abstract
106. September 27, 2pm, Main building C02 Ton van Deursen Security of RFID protocols (Ph.D. defense)
105. September 20 No talk. Everyone's at
104. September 13 Ludovic Pietre-Cambacedes (EDF R&D) Beyond classical attack trees: attack and defense modeling with BDMP [slides] Abstract
103. September 6 Frédéric Prost (UFR IMAG, Université Joseph Fourier) Enforcing Dynamic Interference Policy [slides] Abstract
102. July 26 Patrick Schweitzer Attributes on Attack-Defense Trees Abstract
101. July 21 Jeroen van der Graaf (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil) Authentication and key establishment for smart phones using correlated data Abstract
100. July 19 Qian Li, David Kamdoum M.Sc. midterm presentations Abstracts
99. July 14 Loïc Paulevé (IRCCyN/École Centrale de Nantes, France) Modelling, Simulation and Model-Checking of Large Biological Regulatory Networks [slides] Abstract
98. July 12 Cheng Xing, Yiwen Meng M.Sc. midterm presentations Abstracts
97. July 8 Josh Benaloh (Microsoft Research) Verifiable Election Technologies - How Elections Should Be Run [pdf slides] [pptx slides] Abstract
96. July 5 Jürg Kohlas (University of Fribourg) An Algebraic Theory of Information Abstract
95. June 21 Jean-Paul Weber, Qixia Yuan M.Sc. midterm presentations Abstracts
94. June 17, 13:30 Luca Viganò (Università di Verona) On some composition problems in the formal analysis of service-oriented architectures Abstract
93. May 26 Kristian Gjøsteen (NTNU Norway) Internet voting in Norway 2011 [slides] Abstract
92. May 17 Simon Kramer A general definition of malware [slides] Abstract
91. April 27 Anders Lund (NTNU Norway) Improving the performance of the Norwegian Internet voting protocol Abstract
90. April 19 Tim Muller Equational theory of subjective logic
89. April 5 Naipeng Dong An Introduction to the Applied Pi Calculus - Part II Abstract
88. March 29 Xihui Chen Hiding in Groups: Anonymity-Preserving Electronic Toll Pricing Abstract
87. March 24 Hongyang Qu (University of Oxford) Assume-guarantee verification for probabilistic systems Abstract
86. March 17 Steve Schneider (University of Surrey) Write-ins for Prêt a Voter Abstract
85. March 15 Matthijs Melissen Verification of non-repudiation protocols Abstract
84. March 1 Peter Ryan Prêt a Voter with Acknowledgement Codes Abstract
83. February 22 Marc Pouly Information Theory for Imprecise Probabilities Abstract
82. February 15 Wojtek Jamroga Comparing Variants of Strategic Ability Abstract
81. February 8 Sasa Radomirovic On Sequences Containing All Permutations of a Set as Subsequences Abstract
80. January 25 Mark Ryan (University of Birmingham) Cloud computing and data confidentiality
79. January 11 Hugo Jonker Fairness in Voting Abstract