Information on the SaToSS Research Meeting seminar is kept here. The SaToSS Research Meeting takes place Tuesdays 10:30-11:30 in E212 on the Kirchberg Campus unless otherwise indicated.
No. | Date | Presenter | Title | |
78. | December 14 | Barbara Kordy | On propositional Attack-Defense Trees | Abstract |
77. | December 8 | Ben Smyth | Automated verification of selected equivalences with barriers | Abstract |
76. | December 7 | Ben Smyth | Attacking ballot secrecy in Helios | Abstract |
75. | November 29 (joint ICR/SaToSS event) |
Matthijs Melissen | Doubtful Deviations and Farsighted Play - Anticipation in game theory | Abstract |
74. | November 26 (joint SnT/SaToSS event) |
Ricardo Corin (Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina) | Efficient Symbolic Execution for Analysing Cryptographic Protocol Implementations | Abstract |
73. | November 23 | Georgios Pitsilis | Clustering Recommenders in Collaborative Filtering using Explicit Trust information | Abstract |
72. | November 16 | Sasa Radomirovic | Towards a model for security and privacy in the IoT | Abstract |
71. | November 9 | Hugo Jonker | Anonymity and Verifiability in Voting: Understanding (Un)Linkability | Abstract |
70. | November 2 | Melanie Volkamer (CASED, Darmstadt) | Electronic voting - past and future research at CASED | Abstract |
69. | October 26 | Peter Ryan | J-PAKE, a password based, authenticated key establishment protocol | Abstract |
68. | October 19 | Sjouke Mauw | Looking for the needle in a haystack: reverse engineering data dumps | Abstract |
67. | October 5 | Veronique Cortier (LORIA) | Can I get my security proof for free? [slides] | Abstract |
66. | September 28 | Zhiyuan Liu | Extending a Certified Email Protocol with TTP Transparency and its Formal Verification | Abstract |
65. | September 21 | Yanjie Sun | Privacy in Social Networks - A Comparative Study and A Scheme on Collaborative Management | Abstract |
64. | September 14 | Michael Clarkson (Cornell University, USA) | Hyperproperties [slides] [paper] | Abstract |
63. | September 2 | Naipeng Dong | Analysis of a Receipt-Free Auction Protocol in the Applied Pi Calculus | Abstract |
62. | August 31 | Patrick Schweitzer | Foundations of Attack--Defense Trees | Abstract |
61. | August 26 | Tim Muller | Semantics for Trust | Abstract |
60. | August 24 | Tim Muller | Expressiveness modulo Bisimilarity of Regular Expressions with Parallel Composition | Abstract |
59. | July 19 | Shishir Nagaraja (IIIT, Delhi, India) | Playing hide and seek in graphs OR the impact of unlinkability on adversarial community detection | Abstract |
58. | July 13 | Piotr Kordy | Design and Analysis of Robust Timed Systems | Abstract |
57. | July 9 | Ralf Küsters (University of Trier, Germany) | Central Security Requirements of E-Voting Systems: Verifiability, Accountability, and Coercion-Resistance | Abstract |
56. | June 30 | Jean-Raymond Abrial (ETH Zürich, Switzerland) | Development of a Network Topology Discovery Algorithm [slides] [paper] | Abstract |
55. | June 22 | Per Håkon Meland (SINTEF, Norway) | Threat modelling: A short introduction and stories from end user involvement [slides] | Abstract |
54. | June 14, 10:30 | Shishir Nagaraja (IIIT, Delhi, India) | Slaying the snooping dragon: detecting botnets via structured graph analysis | Abstract |
53. | June 10 | Selwyn Piramuthu (University of Florida, USA) | Input Data with Sequential Bias in Recommender Systems | Abstract |
52. | June 8 | Yanjie Sun | Privacy Enhancement through Collaboration in Social Networks | Abstract |
51. | June 3, 11:00 | Zhe Xia (University of Surrey, UK) | Pret a Voter for the UK elections | Abstract |
50. | June 1 | Zhiyuan Liu | Modeling and analysis of a certified email protocol | Abstract |
49. | May 18 | Ron Rivest (MIT, USA) | Game-theoretic approaches to preference aggregation in voting | Abstract |
48. | May 11 | Richard Clayton (University of Cambridge, UK) | What might eCrime research look like in Luxembourg? [pdf] [ppt] | Abstract |
47. | April 27 | Tom Chothia (University of Birmingham, UK) | Statistical Measurement of Information Leakage [slides] | Abstract |
46. | April 23, 13:15 | Tom Chothia (University of Birmingham, UK) | A Traceability Attack Against e-Passports [slides] | Abstract |
45. | March 30 | Ton van Deursen and Sasa Radomirovic | On the privacy of elliptic-curve-based RFID protocols | Abstract |
44. | March 16 | Guillaume Aucher (ICR group, UL) | Privacy policies with dynamic logic | Abstract |
43. | March 9 | Naipeng Dong | An Introduction to the Applied Pi Calculus - Part I [slides] | Abstract |
42. | March 2 | Cas Cremers (ETH Zürich, Switzerland) | Modeling and Analyzing Security in the Presence of Compromising Adversaries [slides] | Abstract |
41. | February 23 | Chenyi Zhang | On Synchronous Notions of Information Flow Security | Abstract |
40. | February 16 | Baptiste Alcalde | Trusted Third Parties (TTPs) | Abstract |
39. | February 9 | Matthijs Melissen | Games with secure equilibria | Abstract |
38. | February 2 | Georgios Pitsilis (Newcastle University, UK) | Trust for recommender systems, Current Achievements and Concepts for Exploration | Abstract |
37. | January 26 | Hugo Jonker | Quantifying voter-controlled privacy | Abstract |
36. | January 21 | Martin Caminada (ICR group, UL) | Attack and Defense in Formal Argumentation | Abstract |
35. | January 19 | Jan Willemson (Cybernetica, Estonia) | Attack Trees. Models and Computation [slides] | Abstract |